Combined search form


To make searching in websites easier, and also allow searching for both videos and WordPress content with just one query.


New search form has been added below the main navigation bar as can be seen on this page too. The field is always visible on larger screens (desktops, laptops) while on mobile devices it is hidden by default and there’s search button in the navbar that can be used to show it. Vod pages have search field already in the toolbar, and is kept as before since it’s familiar to our users. On mobile devices, the new search button will just scroll and focus to this search field on vod pages.

Search results

Results include now also theme pages and articles in their own tabs. Default tab is still video content, as it’s the most important. We have added little highlight color in case any theme and article results are found, and small notification about the new results tabs.

Testing and demo

The form is available on sandbox pages of all channels for testing:


Please see also below screen recording.