This is example page of live prayer programs theme. In this case we could just use hand picked series, that are manually included with include attribute. Comma is used as separator in include list as can be seen below. In this case another option could be to use prayer category and exclude manually series that are not live prayer programs. Probably both approaches need some manual updates from time to time, to include/exclude new series.
Start by showing few recent programs
First using manually included series only.
[program type="episode" include="664,72134, 45216, 60852,566,29, 60693,71757,71758, 46856, 435,50930, 50887,44849, 351,67187" max="4"]
And then try the same with manual excludes using category.
[program type="episode" category="10" exclude="38565,228,69375" max="4"]
Our live prayer programs
Let’s output the series links like current category pages but with hand picked series only.
[program type="series" include="664,72134, 45216, 60852,566,29, 60693,71757,71758, 46856, 435,50930, 50887,44849, 351,67187" sort="latest-broadcast"]
Elämä Hengessä
Jumalan läsnäolossa
Kolkuttavalle avataan
Anokaa uskossa
Rakkauden kosketus
Jumalan peilissä
Taivas kuulee
Anova saa
Käsi kohoaa
Ilpoisten piiri suora lähetys
Rukouksen voima
Veressä Jeesuksen on voima
Sydämeltä sydämelle
Apu tulee ylhäältä
Rukouksen ihme
Isä meidän
Or perhaps we have a category which almost shows what we wish. Then we could exclude manually those series that doesn’t fit in our theme. Let’s try to make similar listing than above using this approach.
[program type="series" category="10" exclude="38565, 228, 69375, 255" max="16" sort="latest-broadcast"]
Parannuksen teko ennen herätystä
Elämä Hengessä
Power Prayer
Jumalan läsnäolossa
Sana ja rippi
Kolkuttavalle avataan
Anokaa uskossa
Rakkauden kosketus
Jumalan peilissä
Kauniinportin ihme
Voimaa Kristuksessa
Syty rukoukseen Suomi
Taivas kuulee
Anova saa