Teema ääkköset

Just something to see if title with ääkköset working on mobile

And then we have some links also to test. First with our article tag.

Then someone just copy pastes a link https://sandbox.tv7.fi/rukous-paras-aseemme-vakivaltaa-vastaan/

And maybe link to a page https://sandbox.tv7.fi/yhteystiedot/

Then we have link to external website. https://www.tv7israelnews.com/ should be opened normally.

More theme pages

You can check these interesting theme pages as well. Children’s themes can be found here: https://sandbox.tv7.fi/children/ and here https://sandbox.tv7.fi/sallikaa-lasten-tulla/

Links to web-tv and vod front page

These should be opened in native pages if possible. Watch web-tv live stream. We have lots of programs in our vod archive, welcome to take a look. Maybe someone is still linking to the old vod front page. But how about if no trailing slash to vod https://sandbox.tv7.fi/arkki.

TV guide can be seen here.

Old vod links

And old style vod links https://sandbox.tv7.fi/vod/series/460/ and https://sandbox.tv7.fi/vod/player/78421/